Heinz Doofenshertz
Posted - 2013.12.16 05:15:00 -
[1] - Quote
Ok The following is a commented version of the Logic I use for damage application in my compare tool, I am told I go overboard. However, I feel this is the best way to make sure you are getting the right numbers. I have removed the SQL queries for DB security, anyway feel free to use said logic, as long as you throw my name in someplace :P This logic is in edited Coldfusion format, sorry, if you have any questions please ask, But I wanted to show people how much more complex this stuff is than just hp/dps
cfset shibon = 0 //setting varriable// cfset mc = 1 //setting varriable// cfset armbon = 0 //setting variable// cfset md = 1 //setting varriable// cfset spa = .87 //stacking penalty for second mod// cfset spb = .57 //stacking penalty for a third mod// cfset spc = .28 //stacking penalty for a fourth mod// cfset check = 0 //setting varriable// cfset checka = 0 //setting varriable// cfset adjshi = #get_vehic.shield# //setting base shield value// cfset adjarm = #get_vehic.armor# //setting base armor value//
cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#hslot#" //looping thru the high slots// cfset test = '#Evaluate( "hard#i#" )#' //setting varriable test to the id for a query to come// cfif test is "none" /checking to see if the variable test is empty//
//Query ommited for DB security purposes//
cfset mtype = #get_mod_i.type# //setting the mod type for further parsing// cfif mtype is 1 //checking mod type 1 is the shield resistance// cfif check is 0 //using check variable as a mod number// cfset mc = mc - #get_mod_i.bonus# // setting mc equal to reduction// cfset check = check + 1 //adding 1 to the mod check value//
cfelseif check is 1 //checking for further mods of this type// cfset spaa = spa * #get_mod_i.bonus# //sets the variable ammount// cfset mc = mc GÇô spaa //modifies the bonus// cfset check = check + 1 //adds to the check counter//
cfelseif check is 2 //checking for another mod of this type// cfset spbb = spb * #get_mod_i.bonus# cfset mc = mc - spbb cfset check = check + 1
cfelseif check is 3 //checking for another mod of this type// cfset spcc = spc * #get_mod_i.bonus# cfset mc = mc - spcc cfset check = check + 1 /cfif
cfelseif mtype is 2 //checking for mod type 2 shield extenders// cfset shibon = shibon + #get_mod_i.bonus# //adds the bonus shields to the total//
cfelseif mtype is 3 //checks for mod type 3 sheild rep// cfset srep = #get_mod_i.bonus# //sets the rep ammount//
/cfif /cfif /cfloop
cfloop index="a" from="1" to="#lslot#" //looping the low slots// cfset testa = '#Evaluate( "lard#a#" )#' //setting the test variable to the proper uid// cfif testa is "none" //checking to see if that slot has mods in it//
//SQL Query removed for DB security//
cfset mtype = #get_mod_a.type# //setting the mod type// cfif mtype is 1 //Checking if mod type is 1 armor resistances// cfif checka is 0 // checking the check counter// cfset md = md * #get_mod_a.bonus# //setting the bonus// cfset checka = checka + 1 //adding to the check ammount//
cfelseif check is 1 //checking the check ammount// cfset apaa = apa * #get_mod_a.bonus# //setting the variable// cfset md = md GÇô apaa //modifing the final variable// cfset checka = checka + 1 //stepping the check//
cfelseif check is 2 //checking the ammount// cfset apbb = apb * #get_mod_a.bonus# cfset md = md - apbb cfset checka = checka + 1
cfelseif check is 3 //checking the amount// cfset apcc = apc * #get_mod_a.bonus# cfset md = md - apcc cfset checka = checka + 1 /cfif
cfelseif mtype is 2 //checking if type 2 armor plates// cfset armbon = armbon + #get_mod_a.bonus#
cfelseif mtype is 3 //checking for rep// cfset arep = #get_mod_a.bonus#
/cfif /cfif /cfloop
cfset fshi = adjshi + shibon //adjusting the total shield ammount// cfset farm = adjarm + armbon //adjusting the total armor ammount//
cfset tankshield = fshi //setting the final variable, for reasons// cfset tankarmor = farm //setting the final varriable, for reasons//
cfset shots = 0 //setting shot counter// cfset sshottime = 0 //setting shield shot time// cfset ashottime = 0 //setting armor shot time// cfset sshots = 0 //setting shield shot number// cfset ashots = 0 //setting armor shot number// cfset reptimer = 1 //setting the base rep timer//
cfset asdmg = tdmg * mc //adjusting dmg ammount by shield resistances// cfset sdmg = asdmg * #get_dmg.shield# //adjusting dmg ammount by dmg type// cfloop condition="tankshield gt 0" //looping thru the following as long as shields remain// cfset tankshield = tankshield - sdmg //stepping the dmg// cfset shots = shots + 1 //adding to the shot// cfset sshottime = sshottime + #get_wep.sps# //adding to the shot time//
cfif shots is #get_wep.clip# //checking for clip// cfset sshots = sshots + shots //adjusting the shots used on shield// cfset shots = 0 //reseting the shots// cfset sshottime = sshottime + #get_wep.reload# //adding reload// /cfif cfif sshots is 1 //checking to see is a shot has been made// cfif srep gt 0 //checking if there is a shield rep// cfset tankshield = tankshield + srep //repping shields// /cfif /cfif cfif tankshield lt 0 //checking to see if the shields have been removed// cfset carry = tankshield //setting the carry over dmg// /cfif cfif sshots gt 1200 //checking if it's taking way to long// cfset tankshield = 0 //kills the shields to move to armor// cfset kicked = 1 //sets the kick variable saying it's been kicked// /cfif /cfloop
continued in next post
Dust514 Stats, Have you updated today?
I do maths, and sit in a corner.

Heinz Doofenshertz
Posted - 2013.12.16 05:18:00 -
[2] - Quote
cfset carry = carry / #get_dmg.shield# //adjusting the shield dmg change out// cfset carry = carry * #get_dmg.armor# //adjusting carry to armor// cfset aadmg = tdmg * md //setting the armor dmg// cfset admg = aadmg * #get_dmg.armor# //adjust dmg again// cfset tankarmor = tankarmor GÇô carry //removing the carry ammount// cfif kicked is 0 //checking for kicked// cfif admg lt arep //checking the dmg vs the passive regen// cfset kicked = 1 //kicking// cfelse cfloop condition="tankarmor gt 0" //looping thru the armor// cfset tankarmor = tankarmor - admg //stepping dmg// cfset shots = shots + 1 //adding to the shot count// cfset ashottime = ashottime + #get_wep.sps# //stepping the shot time// cfif ashottime gt reptimer //checking for rep time// cfloop condition="ashottime gt reptimer" //looping the rep// cfset tankarmor = tankarmor + arep //repping// cfset reptimer = reptimer + 1 //stepping the rep timer// /cfloop /cfif
cfif shots is #get_wep.clip# //checking the clip// cfset ashots = ashots + shots //stepping shot count// cfset shots = 0 //resetting the shot count// cfset ashottime = ashottime + #get_wep.reload# //stepping the time with reload// /cfif
cfif tankarmor lt 0 //checking for armor value// cfset wasted = tankarmor //setting the wasted dmg// /cfif cfif ashots gt 1200 //checking for kick// cfset tankarmor = 0 //stepping armor to kick loop// cfset kicked = 1 //setting kick// /cfif /cfloop
cfset ttime = ashottime + sshottime //setting total time// cfif ashots is 0 //checking to see if not time was spent on armor//
cfif sshots is 0 //checking to see if no time was spent on shields// cfset tshots = shots //fall back to number of shots fired// cfelse cfset tshots = ashots + sshots //setting shots// /cfif cfelse cfset tshots = ashots + sshots //setting shots// /cfif cfset wast = wasted * -1 //making the wasted dmg a positive number so people understand it// /cfif /cfif
If you Have any questions about the logic, sugestions or whatever. please feel free to post below. I want to get this out there so all the people making tool that do HP/ehp, ect will be able to give people the best numbers possible. Base hp is easy, ehp is crap if you are going the give hp/time numbers please do it properly. I am willing to help, just let me know.
Dust514 Stats, Have you updated today?
I do maths, and sit in a corner.